We make sure that all our photos are as representative as possible
Mental rehabilitation Centre
AtriumSwimming poolday care centreday care centreday care centreday care centreTherapeutic roomsVirtual reality TherapyApartment with a private terraceApartment with a private terracewellnessFitness areaFitness areaConference hall
Horovice Hospital
Main Entrance Operating Theater Operating Theater Main Reception Consulting Room Operating Theater Department of Radiology EntranceHospital roomHospital Café
3D Space CurlTherapy pool Fitness Centregloreha robotic handgloreha robotic handfunctional electrostimulationfunctional electrostimulationultrasound therapymagnetotherapymagnetotherapyDepartment of individual therapyIndividual hydrotherapyHydrotherapyHospital HallHospital Gym
Building A Centre in Prague
Health centre in PragueRobot PepperMain ReceptionWaiting RoomChildren’s examination roomBlood Collection Roomx-rayMagnetic Resonance3D glasses for Magnetic Resonancemagnetic resonanceDisplay of MAGNETIC RESONANCE images
One-Day Surgery Center
Blue surgical theatherYellow surgical theatherSurgical Instrumentssurgical theatherDouble roomReception at the department
Reception of Orthopaedic WardOPERATING THEATEROPERATING THEATERSingle-bed roomdouble-bed room
Oncology centre
Multiscan at PardubiceMain entranceMain receptionMain receptionchemotherapy day unitchemotherapy day unitexamination roomtruebeam linear acceleratorMagnetic resonanceBrachytherapychemotherapy premedication
CliniQ Dejvice
waiting roomsurgeryexaminationcorridorgames for childrenclinic gardenclinic garden
Old Town Square, PragueCharles Bridge, PragueOld town, PragueAstronomical Clock, PragueShopping Center, PragueKarlstejn CastleKrivoklat CastleNature in the Czech RepublicNature in the Czech RepublicNature in the Czech Republic